Something I Made
Not the best photo, but one of the few things I've made this month that wasn't a (beautifully presented, obviously) plate of food was a birthday card for my niece, who has just turned 6.
I can't really explain what it is, but every time I travel through Waterloo station on a sunny day I have to stop and look at the roof. I love the angles and shapes and how the blue sky looks through it.
I don't really do resolutions at New Year, but I do want to put more time into photography. It's a good hobby for me to concentrate on and I want to get better at it. I had some dried roses hoarded away to "do something with" later - only a year or so later, I took some photos of them with my macro lens! I haven't used this lens much so it was a good one to spend some time with.
My travels are brightened by my retro style Penguin book cover Oyster card holder! It makes me happy every time I see it.
This one really had me stumped. I don't own anything with sequins on. I couldn't find anything in a shop with sequins on. Then I had a look through a box of crafty things and found these, not the most imaginative I'm afraid, but it was this or a drawing of some sequins.